1. Why are you running for city council?
I’m running for city council because as I look at the growth of the city and I look at my district, I’m looking to be a voice for change.
2. What is the biggest challenge currently facing the city, and what would you propose to do about it?
The problems we have, it’s not really just one. It’s really when you look at transportation, which impacts … I guess I’ll say economics. When I say economics, it impacts affordable housing and also impacts transportation. If you can’t get to your job on a reliable system then you can’t make income to have a place to live or stay]. It kind of depends on who you are talking to that day. Some people have jobs and are ok with where they stay but getting to jobs is difficult because of transit. Others have a difficult time finding a place to live that they can afford. For some it’s just having a job. So it’s not just one issue.
3. A text change ordinance was recently passed restricting sidewalk dining, was this the right move? Why or why not? What kind of balance should be struck between revelers & residents?
I do know there was a compromise that was made between some of the citizens and bar owners, going with midnight as a time of shutting down outside. That was a compromise between the citizens and the owners and I think anytime the people who are directly impacted can come to an agreement, that’s the agreement that should go forth.
4. Raleigh has ended up on a lot of Top Ten lists in recent years. Why do you think that is?
It’s a great place to live. We have government, we have education, we have hospitals. Whenever one part of the economy is down, as far as jobs in our school system our universities, they pick up, so that carries the economy. Whenever employers are hiring because of the technology that’s here and the brain power, then that carries the economy. So Raleigh is a great place to live because it’s so diverse.
5. Council is currently considering a rezoning case that would remap a significant portion of the city. Should this be approved as is, with changes, or not at all? Why or why not?
I think that’s the first thing we need to do, is pull out areas that are not in conflict. What I mean by that is, any areas that we are looking to remap or rezone in which there is no objection, the city and the citizens are in agreement with the zoning and there’s no issue, let’s go ahead and pass that. Anywhere where we have conflict, let's slow down, pull back and really revisit that particular parcel to figure out what’s the best way to move forward.
6. What is the best and what is the worst decision made by city council over the past two years, and why?
The best decision council has made is taking their time with the arts plan. We don’t hear much about it lately, but the city is not rushing the arts plan through. There’s been public meetings, I’ve participated in some of these meetings to give input on how I’ve seen the impact of engaging the community. I think that’s one of the best things that has transpired, as far as taking their time. Which is interesting because the worst decision the council made was when they tried to vote on the remapping. So many citizens were not engaged, whom in which the council assumed they were. That lack of being proactive has caused a lot of turmoil a lot of headache and people just don’t understand. It’s interesting how we have two initiatives of the city handled completely different. We need consistency on the council.